I was just joshing on that Scar comment since it seems these days for whatever reason a MWS discussion can never be hand without somebody injecting some SCAR 17 talk into it.

My sister went to UGA so I have made many of trip to Athens which from Bham is...2hrs. from ATL, and then IIrc from ATL to Athens was about another 1 1/2 hr. I will for sure be considering making the drive over once the damn fuel price goes down...7hrs. round trip is nothing compared to the enjoyment and experience I will more than likely have at a awesome range such as yours, potentially having your MWS there to drive a little bit with would almost be worth the trip itself. I cannot wait to ring LR steel with the MWS...quite a diff. "ding" than a .223

A pal from Nightforce who is from GA has invited me if I ever would drive over to a 1700 yd range....I can prob. safely say I will never own nor shoot a rifle capable of that yardage....that's just awesome though I would imagine for a Barret or similar .50. I wonder what the bang.....ding sounds like over that distance. I originally planned to stay well into night if I ever did come over in order to try Edwin907's incredible NOD's collection including a recent PVS-22. Thanks for the reply.