This idea was kicked off by a thread in GD, and I figured we could give thought to it in this little slice of internet heaven as well.

"Fixing" these various institutions is not as difficult as people think.

Treat the DOJ like the military in one aspect.... ALL BRANCHES OF THE DOJ are subject to the same rules, and are hired based on the same test. Once in, the training is all the same. Once a new hire/ rookie has made it through basic, then they go to their AIT (advanced individual training) to get them up to speed on their assigned role. Once in assignment, they are given additional schooling, much in the same way things are done now. If the individual wants to promote up, they can look at other branches of DOJ, or wait for slots to open. Individuals are ROTATED THROUGH DIFFERENT ASSIGNMENTS AND LOCATIONS without an option to stay unless they are TDY a certain amount of time. This doesn't need to be every 3 or 4 years, it can be a little longer, but rotations strongly disturbs corruption and cronyism (or good ole boy programs).

Each DOJ branch has to use the same system of purchasing as the military through an already established system. That goes for everything from basic daily supplies through ammunition and weapons. Each DOJ branch answers to a civilian oversight committee. If this means the military gets additional offerings, that is great. Each branch has meetings with the President in the same manner as the military with a "Civilian" and DOJ commander. Think Sec of Army as well as Army chief of staff, and lastly, a chairman of the joint chiefs.

Anyone who has arrest and investigative powers should fall under this umbrella.

Perhaps more importantly, the names should be changed along with funding and personnel allotments for each DOJ branch. ATF does NOT need to be its own arm of the law. Take BATF and DEA and put them together, IRS should probably be put in with them as well. FBI, SS, CBP can all be added together as well. This breaks up the kingdoms which are built. TSA should be should be disbanded and the requirements for security should be placed on airport police and airport security. DOE and other smaller agencies should likewise be folded into one larger department. TSA should be given preferential hiring treatment for jail and court facilities as that is their alleged "forte.

LASTLY, and most controversial would be the deputizing of all NATIONAL GUARD
MPs to work on an as needed basis as augmentees for DOJ positions. This option be optional for all NG members, not mandatory, and it should be looked at as a "shred" or additional MOS tasker. There is ZERO need to have infantry troops who are untrained deal with US border security, flying drones, searching cargo in ports etc. This should be an optional pool of manpower. The time used during federal days should obviously be counted towards retirement, much in the same way things are now for Guard troops.

The addition of NG involvement and "commissioning" or "deputizing" would boost military ranks, as well as increase pay and retirement. It would fill gaps in the various DOJ fields, and due to this, the DOJ would NOT NEED obscene amounts of manpower. The size of the agencies could easily be cut when they are lumped together, as well as reduced again when NG was available to fill the ranks as needed.

In the end, this would give more support, stronger overwatch, and greater capabilities for the DOJ. It would reduce costs and increase effectiveness of the DOJ as well as the NG.