Quote Originally Posted by Eurodriver View Post
It’d be like machine guns.

They would know you’re rich.
It almost was. In 1986 the original Hughes / Rondino version included all NFA weapons (suppressors, SBRs, SBS and AOWs) and was to be a closed "non transferable" registry. That meant if YOU owned them in 1986, you were the last owner. They could not be Form 5 to a lawful heir or anyone else.

That means almost NOBODY today would own anything NFA. If anyone ever wondered why Reagan signed FOPA 86, that is the reason why. The version everyone else was trying to push through was the end of everything, without any of the benefits that removed parts of the 1968 GCA. And if Reagan had not signed FOPA 86, it's a safe bet that Bush 41 would have signed some version of the Hughes / Rodino ban which simply closed the NFA registry as soon as he got into office. He had no trouble signing the 89 import ban and that only covered semi autos.