Quote Originally Posted by Circle_10 View Post
How do you like the T332 overall? Given my fondness for prisms, I might still try one out on a different gun in the future.
My better half loves it. She likes that the whole reticle is bright. She took my unused LWRCi Ic-A2 to the range and was using that compared to her much loved AR-15A2 (actually my first AR) but other than some bump in the night stuff (pregnant) she has only put 150ish rounds in my AR and she likes it and she is a Marine that always said Irons or die. She likes the diopter on the scope too too but she wears contacts. The eye relief is up there with the TA-33.

I wish i had Bought another S332 when Steiner was blowing them out they are a great option for a prism but acog pricing. I got for just $100 more on a close out and a TA-02 led to try out when I get back from deployment.