When I lived in Oregon, an acquaintance of mine is a retired US Army doctor who treated combat casualties and also a teacher at a medical college. I showed him my "trauma kit" that I keep in my car for emergencies. Showed him the contents of the kit, TQs, pressure dressings, rolled gauze, gauze pads, tape, hemostatics, emergency blanket, gloves, large printed "Stop the Bleed" flow chart in sheet protectors. etc., etc. Asked him if there was anything he could recommend to be added and what he kept in his vehicle. His response was that my kit was good to go but he only kept a very basic first aid kit with band-aids, some OTC meds and wound wipes. I was surprised and asked why not have a more expansive kit. He said that he never gave it much thought after he retired and that medical help response was usually quick in his location.

Here in Wyoming, the distances between towns and cities that have medical facilities can be quite far. Response times could be prolonged. Figured anything I can do to extend life is moving in the right direction. I'm not a medical professional, but I did sleep at a Holiday Inn Express a few times.