The grabbers are using the cover and focus of the Bump stock to sneak in the 15 round limit, without grandfathering, into the city. They know that they are not 'copying' the state ban. They have said that they don't care if they make law abiding citizens into criminals. It really is chilling.

On the other hand, considering that this is Denver and that they are all D's, I've been impressed that many of them have taken the time to understand and try to address the mag issue. Councilman Flynn is a wheel gun guy, but after he heard from a few sources the issue at hand, he is trying to do the right thing.

I would have assumed that everything is a lost cause when it comes to guns in a place like Denver. Not so. I'm not saying that any council member will have Molon Labe and bolt face bumper stickers, but the gun grabbers perpetual cries of 'LOWER' when it comes to the magazine 'limbo lower' tactic is starting to bump up against 'mainstream' gun owners. Plus, this is the real west, or at least loosely affiliated with it. Politics are a bit different and there is a libertarian angle to both D and R sides.

When you are deep 'behind the lines' you need to make rational arguments for defensible positions and take what you can get. "Muh guns" isn't going to win any hearts and minds and this is an insurgency- trying to stay alive and as whole as possible until saner heads and an understanding SCOTUS can bring rationality to guns, violence and the most basic of civil rights.