I need help with a very serious problem. My father was diagnosed with low t several years ago so I decided I would begin checking my levels to prevent any problems. Well problems I got.

First year they checked out at 460.total test. Low but not abnormal. I did notice a decrease in sex drive but just attributed it to stress and coaching half the year. I also noticed weight gain and not of the muscle variety.

This year I came in at 288. I have felt like crap most of the year. Very low sex drive, little to no gains in the gym, diet is spot on and still getting man boobs, hard to find motivation to do anything really. I still made it to the gym 5 days a week and cardio 3 days at 20. Min each session and still no change, also sustained high blood pressure. 180/80-90s

The doc called me back with that number today and I have been depressed all day. I feel like genetics screwed all the hard work I have invested in myself over the past 8 yrs.

Going to see a specialist tomorrow I hope this gets sorted out and they start some kind of treatment.

I understand that this will continue the rest of my life.

What are my options? Any experience is very welcome.

Thanks for listening to my crybaby post.